Piazza Carlo Alberto

2010-02-11 16:18

Piazza Carlo Alberto jest jednym z ladniejszych placow Turynu. Plozony w srodku miasta jest czestym miejscem spacerow i spotkan mieszkancow miasta oraz licznych turystow. Po lewej stronie placu znajduje sie Biblioteka Narodowa zas po prawej stronie Palazzo Carignano.



Piazza Carlo Alberto è una delle principali piazze del centro storico di Torino, adiacente all'importante asse viario di Via Roma e presso alle piazze di San Carlo e di Carignano.

Il luogo prende il nome dal re di Sardegna Carlo Alberto di Savoia, figlio di Carlo Emanuele di Savoia-Carignano, la cui famiglia era proprietaria dell' omonimo palazzo, la cui facciata ottocentesca ancora si può ammirare su di un lato della piazza Carlo Alberto, che sorge ove un tempo si estendevano i giardini privati dell'imponente edificio barocco progettato da Guarino Guarini: smessi dal 1842 e dal 1859 trasformati in luogo pubblico, di essi non rimane più traccia, al giorno d'oggi.

Sul lato opposto alla statua di Carlo Alberto, v'è il sontuoso edificio che ospita, oggi, la Biblioteca Nazionale di Torino.



Before 1842 the area, which is now called Piazza Carlo Alberto or Carl Albert Square, was the garden of the Palazzo Carignano. It was reserved as a private area for the princes and other guests of the palace. However in 1842 a park was opened in this area for the general public. In 1859 it was transformed into a piazza or square and named Piazza Carlo Alberto. This is a pedestrian square and it is very pleasant to stroll here without the blare of vehicles and the noise of traffic.

The monument dedicated to Carlo Alberto stands right at the center of the square. Carlo Marochetti designed it in his honour in 1861. Carlo Alberto is one of the more famous and well-loved rulers of Italy.

Piazza Carlo Alberto also houses the famous National University Library. This stands at the site of the former stables of the palace.

The seventeenth century Palazzo Granieri is nearby. It is the present seat of the Artists’ Club.

Visiting an outdoor market in Italy is among the main highlights for both the visitor and the local Italian. They serve as a unique source for gifts and souvenirs. Almost all of them offer arrange of items from worthless knickknacks to priceless works of art from the ancient to the modern. The Cagliari is one such famous market. It is held on the second Sunday of the month at the Piazza Carlo Alberto. It offers all sorts of wonderful items and handicrafts.

The Luci d’Artista is an interesting light filled exhibition that turns the streets and piazzas of Turin into a fascinating outdoor exhibition. This show stages the works in lighting of several artists both of Italian and international fame against the backdrop of the city’s famous tourist attractions. Piazza Carlo Alberto is one of the squares, which is hosting this spectacular and illuminating event.

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