Chiesa Maria Ausiliatrice

2010-02-11 15:58

Chiesa Maria Ausiliatrice jest jednym z najwazniejszych kosciolow Turynu. To tutaj znajduje sie grob swietego Jana Bosco, gdzie zalozyl szkole dla chlopcow i gdzie pracowal. Tutaj nauki pobieral miedzy innymi blogoslawiony Dominik Savio.



Maria Ausiliatrice (oppure Maria aiuto dei cristiani) è un titolo con cui viene molte volte chiamata ed invocata dai cristiani Maria, la madre di Gesù.

San Giovanni Bosco ha particolarmente diffuso l'usanza di chiamare la Vergine Maria con il titolo di Ausiliatrice.

A Torino il Santuario di Maria Ausiliatrice è specificatamente a lei dedicato.



The Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians is situated in Turin. Originally part of the home for poor boys founded by John Bosco, it now contains the remains of Bosco, and 6,000 relices of other saints.

The church housing Bosco's remains was built in 1865-1868 to plans by Antonio Spezia.

According to legend, a vision of the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream to John Bosco in 1844 or 1845 and revealed the site of the martyrdom of the Turinese saints Solutor, Adventor and Octavius. The Basilica dell'Ausiliatrice was built on the site of their death. The church houses the relics of these saints.

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